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Name Email* Phone ** Office
Paulo Alencar alencar X3944 DC3341
Jo Atlee jmatlee X4871 DC2337
Dan Berry dberry email DC3329
Don Cowan dcowan X4690 DC3317A
Nancy Day nday X5321 DC2335
Mechelle Gittens mgittens X5345 DC2501
Michael Godfrey migod X4437 DC2340
Ric Holt holt X4671 DC2508
Steve MacDonald stevem X6242 DC2516
Andrew Malton ajmalton X5144 DC2119
Farhad Mavaddat fmavadda X4430 DC3504
Anne Pidduck apidduck X4662 DC3331
Richard Trefler trefler X7508 DC2336

** These are personal extension reached through the University switch board by calling 519 888-4567.

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