![]() University of Waterloo |
![]() Cheriton School of Computer Science |
Look at explanations, research and thesis topics, and goals.
The current instantiation of this series:
27th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference,
23 -- 27 September 2019,
Jeju Island, South Korea
Two computer scientists (Erik Kamsties and I) and one lawyer--computer scientist (Mickey Krieger) have written ``From Contract Drafting to Software Specification: Linguistic Sources of Ambiguity, A Handbook''.
This handbook is intended to be a living document. We invite comments, additional examples, etc. from readers. If you wish to provide translations of the examples into equally ambiguous sentences in other languages, please contact me (just to make sure that someone else is not already doing it!). As we get these translations, we shall add them to the original document or make them available as separate documents or both!
Ph.D., Computer Science, Brown University, 1974
B.S., Mathematics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1969
Erik Kamsties and I have written a chapter titled ``Ambiguity in Requirements Specification'' in a book, edited by Julio Leite and Jorge Doorn, titled Perspectives on Software Requirements, published by Kluwer, with table of contents .
I give a number of socko lectures that are guaranteed to enliven an audience and to knock everyone's socks off. If you want me to give one of these and are willing to pay my travel expenses and a modest honorarium, send e-mail to me to make arrangements. See the abstracts of possible lectures to help choose one.
The three most popular these days are ``The Inevitable Pain of Software Development: Why There Is No Silver Bullet'', ``Formal Methods, the Very Idea, Some Thoughts'', and ``Requirements Engineering Lessons from House Building''. These are based on papers that I have written, which you can find by searching for the words ``The Inevitable Pain of Software Development'', ``Formal Methods, the Very Idea, Some Thoughts on Why They Work When They Work'', ``Creep'', and ``Adventures'' (there are several versions of the first two) in the bibliography.
One of my sets of slides have been made public, with my permission, by WeberDev.com. You might want to look at them. Better yet, you might want me to come to deliver these slides in person; they are so much better in person.
It has been said that I am very energetic during my lectures, that I move around a lot during my ``dance'' routine. At CMU's SEI, they were videotaping whole courses as I taught them. I was told that following my dancing around wore out several video camera servo mechanisms and that following my dancing with the camera was good training for televising hockey games with their fast moving pucks. You might wish to see three ``still'' photos of me giving a lecture at PUC in Rio de Janeiro, taken on 1 August 2003 by Leonardo Cunha. In the first, my hand and mouth are a blur, in the second, my arm is a blur, and in the third, I am in a rare quiescent state.
MATAM--Introduction to
System Programming (Winter 1996)
Software Engineering Methods (Spring 1997)
Seminar: Electronic Publishing (Spring 1997)
Seminar: Requirements Engineering (Winter 1997)
Seminar: Full Year SE Lab: Requirements Engineering of WD-PIC (Winter 1997)
Software Abstraction and Specification (CS246) (Spring 2000)
( Permanent Course
Web Page)
Requirements and Specification (ECE451/CS445/CS645)
Requirements and Specification (SE463)
Social Implications
of Computing (CS492/CS692)
Advanced Topics in Requirements
Engineering (CS846)
Advanced Topics in Electronic
Publishing (CS846)
Cheriton School of Computer Science
University of Waterloo,
200 University Ave. West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
None: I do not hear well enough to hear on the phone;
so faxing or e-mailing me is better)
fax: +1-519-888-4305 (or if that does not work, then try +1-519-746-5422)
My office is 3329 Davis Centre. This room is in the Computer Systems Group suite, which is on the third floor, just above the Cheriton School of Computer Science's main office on the second floor.
11-522 Beechwood Drive
Waterloo, Ontario N2T 2G9
Directions to my house assuming that you are already in Waterloo
telefax: 1-519-885-7222
I do not hear well enought to hear on the phone. Therefore, even if I am at
home, I do not answer the phone unless I am expecting your
call at the time of the call. Regardless of what the answering machine
says, do not leave a recorded message for me . Instead,
send me a fax over the same line or send me
An alternative explanation of the origins of the U.S. Thanksgiving. Enjoy!
A LiVEJOURNAL discussion on bagels in Kitchener-Waterloo.
If you want to invite me to give this talk, I will be happy to come. Here is an abstract for announcing it.
I have read two books that describe the kinds of thinking and the kinds of behaviors that I think are very helpful in someone who is seeking to earn a PhD.
You might wish to look also at a whole collection of references to advice about doing research and related activities, gathered by Silvia Miksch. The titles are ``How to Do Research'', ``How to Write a Scientific Paper'', ``How to Present a Scientific Paper'', ``Tips on Organizing Conferences, Workshops, and Symposia'', ``How to Review'', ``Digitial Libaries'', ``Tips for Writing Correct English'', ``University Ranking'', and ``Additional Hints''.
Matt Might has ``The Illustrated Guide to a Ph.D.'' that clearly explains in pictures exactly how much impact one Ph.D. has on all of human knowledge. This explanation should help any Ph.D. candidate understand the true scope of his or her work and thus to realistically judge the size of the work.
Here is a website describing non-profit universities offering online doctorate programs. This website has no sponsored search or ranking. The main goal is to promote the gems and little known doctoral programs that can be completed online at the world-class non-profit academic institutions. (Thanks to Lukas Pech (lukas_pech@hotmail.com) for bringing this site to my attention.).
A caricature drawn of me in 2005 at the RE'05 banquet at the Musée des Arts Forains (Museum of Amusement Parks) in Paris, France. See what 20 years has done to me! Here are two photos taken of me while the Parisian caricaturist was drawing me.
A caricature drawn by Pete Sawyer of me in 2017 at the RE at 40 Seminar held at the former Monastery at Kappel am Albis, Kloster, Switzerland. He drew it for the benefit of his daugher Gabriella, who had, like I, attended every IEEE RE conference during her lifetime. See what another 12 years has done to me!
This is an engraving of the 2005 RE'05 caricature on a beer mug produced and given to me by Jeremy Barbay as a very nice honorarium for the ``How to Finish that Damn Ph.D.'' talk that I gave in May 2017 at Universidad de Chile, in Santiago Chile. Thank you Jeremy for this and your hospitality!!!!
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This page is constructed from recycled ideas and gifs stolen (treated as gifts to me :-)) from other Web pages! |
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The URL of this page is http://se.uwaterloo.ca/~dberry
Daniel M. Berry's Home Page / Computer Science Department / University of Waterloo / dberry B' uwaterloo NKUDA ca (anti-spam measure) / Revised 01 July 2003 E-mail Decoys